Two members of the Persepolis Fortification Archives team will be among those who received awards at the
Annual Meeting of the
Archaeological Institute of America in January 2015.

2015 Wiseman Book Award winner Elspeth Dusinberre.
Each year the James R. Wiseman Book Award Committee will recommend,
in time for presentation of the award at the Annual Meeting of the
Institute, the academic work on an archaeological topic it deems most
worthy of recognition in that year. Books and monographs bearing a date
of publication within the four calendar years prior to (not including)
the year of the Annual Meeting at which the award is made will be
eligible for consideration. Fieldwork volumes are welcome; textbooks
will not be considered, and handbooks or other edited volumes must be
exceptionally strong contriubtions in order to qualify for
AIA members are encouraged to suggest books worthy of the award by filling out the Nomination Form.
Authors and publishers may also bring their books to the committee's
attention by sending a Letter of Nomination and four sample copies for
distribution to the committee to the address below. Publishers should
nominate no more than two (2) books per year and should ensure that the
books meet the criteria of the award. The author must be a member of the Archaeological Institute of American in good standing.
Books may be submitted for the award only once, and should not be
re-submitted unless specifically requested by the committee. Books
intended for a general audience should be nominated for the Felicia A. Holton Book Award.
Due Date for NominationLetter of nomination and books should be received by Institute Headquarters at the below address no later than
March 16, 2015.
Wiseman Book Award
Archaeological Institute of America
656 Beacon Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02215-2006
(617) 353-9361
FAX: (617) 353-6550
Questions about the Book Award may be directed to Deanna Baker, Membership and Societies Administrator, at the above address.
2015 Wiseman Book Award: Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia by Elspeth R. M. Dusinberre
Elspeth Dusinberre (A.B. summa cum laude Harvard 1991, Ph.D.
Michigan 1997) is interested in cultural interactions in Anatolia,
particularly in the ways in which the Achaemenid Empire affected local
social structures and in the give-and-take between Achaemenid and other
cultures. Her first book, Aspects of Empire in Achaemenid
Sardis(Cambridge 2003), examines such issues from the vantage of the
Lydian capital, while her third book, Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in
Achaemenid Anatolia (Cambridge 2013) considers all of Anatolia and
proposes a wholly new model for understanding imperialism in general.
Her second book is a diachronic excavation monograph, Gordion Seals and
Sealings: Individuals and Society (Philadelphia 2005). She is currently
studying the seal impressions on the Aramaic tablets of the Persepolis
Fortification Archive (dating ca. 500 BCE), and the cremation burials
from Gordion. She has worked at Sardis, Gordion, and Kerkenes Dağ in
Turkey, as well as at sites elsewhere in the eastern Mediterranean.
Professor Dusinberre teaches primarily Greek and Near Eastern
archaeology, with a little Egyptian and Roman archaeology plus Greek and
Latin language thrown in. She has been awarded six University of
Colorado teaching awards, the system-wide President's Teaching Scholar
Award, the Chancellor's Faculty Recognition Award, and the Faculty
Graduate Advisor Award.

2015 award winner Ancient World Online, accepted by
Charles E. Jones
Digital technologies are driving important changes in archaeology.
Despite the increasing acceptance of digital technology in daily life,
however, determining how to assess digital scholarship has proved
difficult: many universities remain unsure about how to evaluate digital
work along side more traditional forms of print publication when faced
with tenure and promotion decisions. Recognizing the value of digital
scholarship, and aiming to encourage its practice, the AIA offers this
award to honor projects, groups, and individuals that deploy digital
technology in innovative ways in the realms of excavation, research,
teaching, publishing, or outreach.
Criteria for Selection
Nominations of projects and individuals are welcome. Nominations may be
made by anyone, including the project director or the principal members
of the team responsible for the digital creation. Nominations of
collaborative projects are encouraged. At least one member of the
leadership team, or any individual nominee, must be a member in good
standing of the AIA. Please submit the AIA membership number(s) with the
Due Date for Nomination
September 15, 2015
Materials to Be Submitted
Additional Information
Because the field of digital archaeology is still nascent and the
application of digital technologies to archaeology is in constant flux,
the committee reserves the right to modify this award as the field
evolves. Furthermore, the committee also reserves the right not give
the award if no deserving project is nominated.
Questions about the award should be directed to Deanna Baker, Membership and Societies Administrator, at or 617-353-9361.
2015 Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology Award: Ancient World Online
The Ancient World Online (AWOL) is a project of Charles E. Jones,
Tombros Librarian for Classics and Humanities at the Pattee Library,
Penn State University. AWOL began with a series of entries under the
heading AWOL on the Ancient World Bloggers Group Blog. It was moved to
the current blogging platform in 2009. The goal of the project is simple
but significant: to “notice and comment on open access material
relating to the ancient world.” The blog serves as a major hub for
online and open-access material relating to the ancient world,
regardless of where it is published. The blog and daily newsletter
serves as an informative and concise digest of open-access information
from across the ancient world. This blog helps the dissemination of
knowledge, while also promoting open-access resources. In meeting this
goal, AWOL has been remarkably successful, serving archaeological
information to more 1.1 million unique visitors to the site since its
inception in 2009, nearly a quarter of which return to the site for
2015 Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology Honorable Mentions:
From Stone to Screen (
Day of Archaeology (
These two projects were selected as honorable mentions, as they
fulfill the mission of the Archaeological Institute of America to bring
archaeology to a wider public and to educate the public about the
archaeological heritage and shared past of humanity. The Award
Committee also commend these projects for being collaborative and
student-led. By engaging with digital technology for both research and
outreach, the work of these students will help to bring archaeology to
the next generation of scholars and students, as well as to the
interested public.