This site provides information on the Persepolis Fortification Archive project based at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Skjaervo's Introduction to Old Persian
Not directly related to the Persepolis Fortification Archive (but more directly related than it was a few weeks ago), is P. Oktor Skjaervo, Introduction to Old Persian, one of six guides to Iranian languages and religions he has made publicly available at Iranian Studies at Harvard University.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Dandamayev on the Persepolis Tablets
PERSEPOLIS ELAMITE TABLETS, by Muhammad Dandamayev, appearing originally in Encyclopaedia Iranica.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Biographical Sketch of Ernst Emil Herzfeld
HERZFELD, ERNST EMIL, (1879-1948), archeologist, philologist, and polyhistor, one of the towering figures in ancient Near Eastern and Iranian studies during the first half of the 20th century. To him we owe many decisive contributions to Islamic, Sasanian, and Prehistoric archeology and history of Iran, Iraq, and Syria. He was the first professor for Near Eastern archeology in the world and instrumental in drafting and issuing the first Persian law of antiquities, by Stefan R. Hauser, David Stronach, Hubertus von Gall, Prods Oktor Skjœrvø, and Josef Wiesehöfer in Encyclopaedia Iranica.
Two links added (November 25 2006):
Read the book: Ernst Herzfeld and the Development of Near Eastern Studies 1900-1950.
Look at the website of the Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft.
Read Milestones in the Development of Achaemenid Historiography in the Times of Ernst Herzfeld (1879-1948), by Pierre Briant

Two links added (November 25 2006):
Read the book: Ernst Herzfeld and the Development of Near Eastern Studies 1900-1950.
Look at the website of the Ernst-Herzfeld-Gesellschaft.
Read Milestones in the Development of Achaemenid Historiography in the Times of Ernst Herzfeld (1879-1948), by Pierre Briant
Biographical Sketch of George Glenn Cameron
CAMERON, GEORGE GLENN , philologist and historian, b. 30 July 1905 in Washington, Pennsylvania, d. 14 September 1979 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cameron received the A.B. degree from Muskingum College in New Concord, Ohio, in 1927. After two years as a high-school teacher and principal he took A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Chicago in 1930 and 1932 respectively, by Gernot L. Windfuhr in Encyclopaedia Iranica.
A digital version of George G. Cameron 1905-1979, by Matthew W. Stolper, in The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Summer, 1980), pp. 183-189, is available at JSTOR to those whose institutions provide access.

A digital version of George G. Cameron 1905-1979, by Matthew W. Stolper, in The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Summer, 1980), pp. 183-189, is available at JSTOR to those whose institutions provide access.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Musée achéménide virtuel et interactif (Mavi)
Musée achéménide virtuel et interactif (Mavi)
"Un vaste "Musée achéménide virtuel et interactif" (Mavi) de plus de 8.000 pièces, consacré au patrimoine de l'Empire Perse de Cyrus à Alexandre le Grand, est désormais consultable sur internet à l'initiative d'un professeur du Collège de France, Pierre Briant."
An extraordinary new resources, Mavi includes (among many other things) illustrations of the published seal impressions from Persepolis Fortification Tablets.
A brochure describing MAVI in detail is available in French and in English.
Mavi is the Site du mois for November at!
"Un vaste "Musée achéménide virtuel et interactif" (Mavi) de plus de 8.000 pièces, consacré au patrimoine de l'Empire Perse de Cyrus à Alexandre le Grand, est désormais consultable sur internet à l'initiative d'un professeur du Collège de France, Pierre Briant."
An extraordinary new resources, Mavi includes (among many other things) illustrations of the published seal impressions from Persepolis Fortification Tablets.
A brochure describing MAVI in detail is available in French and in English.
Mavi is the Site du mois for November at!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Biographical Sketch of Richard Treadwell Hallock
HALLOCK, RICHARD TREADWELL (b. Passaic, New Jersey, 5 April 1906, d. Chicago, 20 November 1980), Elamitologist and Assyriologist, whose magnum opus, Persepolis Fortification Tablets, transformed the study of the languages and history of Achaemenid Persia, by Charles E. Jones and Matthew W. Stolper in Encyclopaedia Iranica.

Friday, November 10, 2006
Updates by email
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative wiki
Hallock, Richard Treadwell: Entry in the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative wiki [As of 16 Nov, 2006, the text of the Encyclopaedia Iranica biographical sketch of Richard Treadwell Hallock has been added to the CDLI wiki.]
Cameron, George Glenn: Entry in the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative wiki
Cameron, George Glenn: Entry in the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative wiki
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
On 3-4 November 2006, there was a colloque: "Archives des Persépolis" at the Collège de France. View the program.
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